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Chopping, Mincing, Dicing, Shredding, Puree & Kneading Dough,
This is so important to making many raw recipes, like my Raw Power Balls, Decadent Raw Fudge Brownies, Raw Oat and Raisin Cookies, and so much more. These recipes are fast and easy, and nutritious. You don't even wait for the oven to heat. But I wouldn't be able to make them without a food processor. For the past 10 years, I have been relying on my 14-cup Cuisinart Food Processor. It's not only for super healthy recipes. I have found it very effective for a quick batch of icing for a special cake. It's so great to add the powdered sugar without having it poof all over the kitchen. Since the food processor has a lid, unlike using a mixer, the powdered sugar all stays in the bowl. Clean up is easy and fast. It's all done in minutes with only two buttons; you don't need a driver's license to run it. It's so simple, even a child could use it. In fact, it has a locking feature that prevents anyone from opening it without the lid on, so little fingers and big ones too, are safe.
Click on the picture to check out my food processor. I may receive compensation if you purchase through this link or other links on my site. The great thing is that it helps me to be able to provide you with great info at no added cost to you! The best Chopper for Mincing, Dicing, Shredding, Puree & Kneading Dough,
Oats and Raisin Energy Bites Recipe
Mix all ingredients in a Food Processor. Form into balls. Store in refrigerator or can be kept in the freezer.
This is great to shred veggies, and cheese, and make purees. What can you use purees for you ask? Put leftover veggies into the food processor and add to soups to thicken and add flavor.
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1 cup banana mashed or 1 cup applesauce
1/2 cup butter or coconut oil
3/4 cup coconut sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cup almond flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups granola of choice
Optional: 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg
Heat oven to 375 degrees
Cream the sugar with banana or apple and butter
Then add egg and the other ingredients. Cook on cookies sheet or parchment paper for 8-10 minutes. Makes about 4 dozen
To be announced!
I may receive commissions from purchases made from the use of links included here and other places on this website. This makes it possible for me to take the time to put together this information for you. Most of these products, I have used personally or continue to use them.
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